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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
Cover Story :
DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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First Ever Off-grid Diesel Hybrid PV Plant
Solea Renewables (Pty) Limited Commissions First Ever Off-grid Diesel Hybrid PV Plant for South African Mining Company

EU Commissioner very impressed by her visit t...
Dresden, Germany, December 6, 2012 – EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn visited Heliatek on December 4, 2012, during her two-day visit of the high-tech cluster in the Free St...

The Recent Decision of the Slovenian Governme...
How many jobs and investors will disappear after the recent decision of the Slovenian Government?

Who Can Achieve 43.3 Percent Efficiency
CPV World Record by AZUR SPACE Solar Power: 43.3 Percent Efficiency

Ingeteam develops a new app for iPhone
The app allows to monitor PV installations using the new software Ingecon® Web Monitor

Building A Full Automation Equipment for PV M...
The excellent quality and high reliability of PV module produced by Solar Park Korea are based on the experience to manufacture production equipment for 30 years. Especially, Solar Park Kore...

Hanwha SolarOne Welcomes New President
Min-Su Kim is officially onboard as Hanwha SolarOnes President. Mr. Kim brings valuable solar industry experience and expertise to this position, which he will leverage to realize Hanwha Sol...

DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-Herzeg...
DEGER Tracking Systems lately also work in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The two solar parks in this country are each fitted with 15 systems type DEGERtracker 9000 NT and reach a capacity of about 150...

The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Country
Tokelau becomes the world’s first 100% solar powered country

Spectral Evolution
Uncertainties in the spectral performance measurements of continuous solar simulators can significantly impact a manufacturer’s revenue.Be certain of your simulator’s class with portable spe...

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