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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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KOSTAL’s PV junction box with an integrated cable holder for a holistic automation

At this year’s Intersolar Europe in Munich KOSTAL Industrial Electronics presented its fully automatable PV junction box SAMKO 100 04 with an integrated cable holder for the first time. With this new feature a full automation from the placing of the PV module up to the electrical module inspection is possible. With that the company located in Hagen developed a product solution which integrates into the production process optimally.


This offers the essential advantage that the entire flash testing takes place in one step, from the plug connectors and cables over the junction box to the PV module. Thus various manual processes aren’t necessary, which ensures high process safety and therefore even more improved quality.


The holding element for the PV connectors is designed in a way which enables to integrate a centering device into the flash process. Hence the flash device can be adjusted to the PV junction box optimally. At the same time compensating springs which are integrated in the cable holders secure the PV plug connector’s basic position.


Furthermore, the cables are fixed in the holding element, so that the endings of the cables are unable to swing. This increases the production quality in the automated process of the module production. By fixing the cables also the installation of the PV modules on the roof is easier, because the PV junction boxes are simpler to apply. Moreover due to the specific round form the plug connectors can rotate in a 360 degree motion freely and thus catch the torsional stress of the cables. Both product advantages reflect the company’s philosophy “Smart connections.“ of KOSTAL Industrial Electronics.  



Info-Box KOSTAL Industrial Electronics


The KOSTAL Group is a German and internationally active family-owned company from Luedenscheid, Germany with 100 years of tradition. Founded in 1912 by Leopold Kostal the company was firstly specialized in the field of automotive electrical systems. KOSTAL Industrial Electronics located in Hagen was established in 1995 under the umbrella of the KOSTAL Group and created specific basic conditions to provide the broad know-how to further markets like Photovoltaic ? especially PV module connection technology.


 Further information concerning our company and our products are available at:


