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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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Launch of Solar Purchasing Group

A new company launches with the aim of negotiating discounts for member companies on material and components they buy for solar PV manufacturing.

Solar Purchasing Group (SPG) works on the principle of cooperative purchasing. Member companies are able to collectively assert greater purchasing leverage for the materials and components they need, such as glass, cells, back sheets, junction boxes, EVA, stringing material along with other peripheral materials.
All discounts are negotiated before member companies make purchases, based on the amount of material/components the SPG members require collectively. 
SPG is already negotiating purchasing contracts with the world’s most renowned material producers, vendors and distributors and based on the buying habit of the individual member company, they will have pricing tiers offering different discount levels.  The higher the tier, the higher the discount the member company will receive.  There will be additional rebates if the group meets their consumption commitments. 
In addition SPG will contribute to materials standardization and certification, by providing the purchasing group with a platform to provide feedback to vendors, helping to raise efficiencies within member companies’ PV fabs, while lowering production costs. 
To become a member, companies will pay a low
US$5,000 initiation fee and annual membership fee.
Vendors, sponsorship programs and related events aimed at members and vendors will be offered as SPG develops.


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