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USA: Solar, Heading for Arizona

More than 100 solar companies operate in Arizona, the U.S.A., ranging from manufacturing and design to installation and distribution. Interest in the state is growing, particularly from international companies.


By Kristina Justin


Global Attention to Arizona


Wind and solar energy giants such as Abengoa, Albiasa and Iberdrola are planning utility-scale renewable energy projects in Arizona. Kyocera Solar, Stirling Energy Systems Inc. and Centrosolar, among others, have their U.S. headquarters in Greater Phoenix, Arizona.

In November 2009, China-based Suntech Power Holdings Inc., one of the world¡¯s largest manufacturers of photovoltaic panels, announced plans to open its North American production headquarters in the Valley of the Sun, Arizona. The company will expand into Greater Phoenix in the first quarter of 2010£­enticed by landmark legislation that allows renewable energy companies to receive tax breaks for locating or expanding their business in Arizona.

 ¡°We are building a robust solar industry here in Arizona,¡± said Barry Broome, President and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. ¡°Not only do we have top solar companies growing their companies here, but we have extensive solar research occurring at our universities.¡±




Reasons for Attraction


Companies have been attracted to Arizona for its leading solar energy engineering and research, its favorable tax climate and its close proximity to California, the world¡¯s fourth-largest solar market. But it¡¯s the state¡¯s increasing competitiveness that is causing companies worldwide to take notice.

In addition to passing one of the most aggressive renewable energy tax incentive programs, Arizona also has the most aggressive distributed generation requirement in its Renewable Energy Standard. All regulated utilities will be required to produce 15% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

¡°Arizona is doing a great job at putting solar at the forefront of everyone¡¯s mind,¡± said Chris Davey, President of Australia-based EnviroMission, which is set to bring online the first of its proprietary ZERO water 200 MW Solar Tower power stations to Arizona in 2013. ¡°The impression of those from outside the state is that Arizona is open for business.¡±

EnviroMission opened its U.S. headquarters in Phoenix in the spring of 2009. The company was attracted to the favorable regulatory environment and transmission capabilities, Davey said.

There¡¯s tremendous opportunity in Greater Phoenix, said Gilbert Mayor John Lewis, who represented the region at the 2009 Solar Power International in California. Greater Phoenix communities offer solar companies strong infrastructure, accessibility and quality of life, he said.

¡°Arizona is fertile ground for the emerging industry,¡± Lewis said. ¡°There¡¯s no question of the state¡¯s dedication to becoming the nation¡¯s renewable and solar energy capital.¡±



Kristina Justin is Head of public relations for GPEC (www.gpec.org).



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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